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Spicy Garlic Shrimp

Posted by Kira DeRito on

This recipe, even at full strength, is only mid-range on the spiciness scale. If you don't care for spicy things or have little ones that don't like a bit of heat - just back off the cayenne a bit. The other ingredients will stand alone and the shrimp will still be fabulous.  Also - you could easily roast these shrimp in the oven at 400 for about 10 minutes, (if the weather takes a turn on us).  
serves 2-3 for dinner
  • 1 pound wild Mexican white prawns
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • ½ tsp coarse sea salt (or just a generous pinch if you're using regular table salt)
  • ¼ tsp cayenne
  • ½ tsp paprika
  • 1 T lemon juice
First we're going to mix up the shrimp and *then* get the grill (or oven) going so that the shrimp have time to soak up some of that excellent flavor. In a big bowl, combine the garlic, salt, cayenne, paprika and lemon juice to form a sort of loose paste. Toss the shrimp in, and then fold for a minute or two to combine and fully coat your shrimp with the flavorings. Set aside for a good 15 to 20 minutes to marinate.
Preheat your grill or get the coals going to about medium heat. You can lightly oil the grill grate by tipping a bit of olive oil onto a paper towel and then wiping it down, (or by using a bit of nonstick spray), but if you have a clean grill you should be just fine.
With a pair of tongs, strategically place your shrimp on the grill so that they don't want to fall into the fire. (Skewer, if it seems risky!) Grill the shrimp for 4-5 minutes on each side or until they've lost that translucent quality in the center and ring the dinner bell! Serve with grilled romaine and a lovely chilled white wine to put out the fire. Enjoy!

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1 comment

  • I do a very similar prep. But add 3 Tbs each of hot sauce & ketchup to the marinade. Then I hit it w/lemon & some fresh chopped parsley when I serve

    Jessica on

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