serves 2 adults for dinner
2/3 cup parmesan cheese
2/3 cup panko breadcrumbs
1 egg, beaten
1 pound salmon, boneless and skinless

2 T olive oil
2 cups marinara sauce
Pasta of choice (or rice!)
Get your rice or pasta going in a pan. I'm going to assume, for the sake of simplicity, that you either have an excellent marinara sauce recipe handed down from your wee granny OR you've got a favorite brand that comes in a handy glass jar at the store. Get that. Warm it up. :) Place your cheese and breadcrumbs in a food processor and pulse until they're very fine and combined well. Pour your mixture on a plate and get your bowl with a fork-beaten egg in it located next to your plate. Cut your salmon into 2" squareish pieces and

warm the olive oil in a frying pan. Dip your salmon in the egg, then quickly coat with the cheese/crumb mixture and place in the pan. Cook the fish on medium high heat for about 3 minutes on each side or until nicely browned. Voila! We like to serve this by placing the salmon on top of a layer of pasta and sauce and finishing with just a smidge more sauce directly on top. Sailor LOVES this meal, so if you have kids... plan on them eating some. Enjoy!