Hello Everyone! Did you know? It's Earth Day on Sunday! Of course we like to consider ourselves some of the many Olympians who spend a bit of every average o'le day contemplating and taking action in a earth-healthy sort of style, but when confronted with an actual *day* on the calendar I like to fall in with the green team and place special focus on our awesome

planet. There must be a million ways to go green, in every color, shape and size, but for us that usually means food. (Of course!) The subject of food, and how we can sustainably harvest and consume resources, is a particularly interesting subject to me. We are fortunate to live in an area of the world that is practically teeming with food resources for those of you that like to hunt or gather your own 'wild' food items. From wild mushrooms and berries to clams, crab, salmon... the opportunities to 'eat locally' are far and wide. An even easier option is to simply shop with a local farmer or rancher. (Hello Farmer's Market vendors - so glad you're back!) So join me, won't you please, in serving a plate (or a glass) of something fabulously local for Earth Day this year. And on that note - if you're thinking local seafood we're thinking fresh 'first of the season' local tiny salad shrimp this week! The party started on April 15th and usually runs through the end of October for these tasty little guys. We have them on special this week at $4.99 per pound and there's an excellent recipe as well. Read on for all the details!
In the case this week we're looking good with fresh halibut, fresh wild king salmon, fresh wild steelhead (last for the season) and a variety of fresh wild cods. (Currently we have ling, true, rock and black cod.) Fresh petrale sole is here and we also have fresh batches of both crab cakes and salmon burgers. Oysters, clams, mussles - we've got 'em. Fresh cooked Dungeness crab are ready to roll and in from Hawaii we have ahi and opah (moonfish!) this week. All the good stuff and salad shrimp at a very budget-friendly price... come see us! ~Kira p.s. For more immediate 'breaking news' in the seafood world, feel free to find us on Facebook! Tony is making an effort to post on a regular basis and we'd love to see your "WFD" (what's for dinner) photos and any fun recipes or cooking tips you might have to share!