Hello Everyone!

It's another beautiful week in Olympia - sunshine and summertime! At this point we're pretty much exclusively using our outdoor grill for cooking... making extras of our proteins to carry us through the next day's lunch and such. Between the grill, our weekly local veggie box, and the rotating pitchers of sun tea on our patio we are fully invested in summertime eating. So good!
Things are rolling just as nicely in the fresh local seafood pipeline - we're in the prime of wild salmon season and we regularly have our pick of all of our fresh favorites with white fish as well. This week we're featuring our cold-smoked lox and its prepared finger food recipe that's been gracing our patio for both a quick lunch and a hearty appetizer - Southwest Sushi! Find the details in the "recipe" tab!
In the case this week we are starting off looking excellent and planning for that to be the SOP through the weekend. Fresh salmon includes wild ocean caught silver, wild Alaskan sockeye (Copper, Sand Point, False Pass... and more!) and wild ocean caught kings. You can't go wrong with salmon this week, but if you insist - our white fish list is lovely as well and includes fresh Alaskan halibut, fresh true cod, fresh rockfish, fresh petrale sole, fresh sablefish and fresh lingcod. We are expecting a few ocean smelt to arrive tomorrow and we're hoping to have fresh local albacore before the weekend - there was some wind off the coast of Washington that put a little hiccup in the tuna fishery. There's an unsubstantiated rumor about another Hood Canal spot shrimp opening potentially on *Friday* (and I'll send another note out if that actually happens - UPDATE, we did get spots! They will go fast, but they're available for Saturday, July 29th 2017), and we are getting fresh Hawaiian big eye ahi tuna in several times this week. If things progress as planned we should have opah arriving on Friday - we won't know which one until we get a little closer. We are also expecting a couple of whole rockfish to come in tomorrow (red banded!) so if you were thinking you wanted to try cooking a whole fish this is a good time. :) Clams, mussels and oysters are all looking good and chilling in the cooler, and there's plenty of fresh Dungeness crab from Westport - both cooked and live. Shrimp meat, crabmeat, scallops and prawns are also plentiful and the fishmonger crew is whipping up cakes, burgers, salads, rellenos and sauces on the regular. Need something from the ocean for your grill?? Come see us!