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Happy Easter weekend from Olympia Seafood!

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I don't know about you, but around our house we're gearing up for Easter! Of course, this is mostly due to the fact that our 7 year old Sailor spends at least half of her waking hours speculating what the Easter Bunny might bring her. Though I haven't heard her mention it yet, as an aspiring young Foodie I'm sure at some point she'll spare a thought for what we're having for Easter dinner. Showing up without bacon wrapped shrimp and scallops is never a good idea in our family, so we'll be bringing those for sure. The rest of our seafood contribution is still up in the air, so if you have a particularly fabulous holiday recipe please share it with us! We have a great selection of our regular line up and some nice Hawaiian Mahi Mahi in as our exotic this week. Columbia River Spring Kings are due in on Thursday and our special this week is Petrale Sole. Read on for more info on our featured fish and have a great week! Petrale Sole I learned something today researching info for this article! The local fish known as Petrale Sole is not actually a true sole but rather a flounder. What a shocker! No matter what you call it though, Petrale (rhymes with Molly) is a fabulous fish and one of our personal favorites. Petrale is almost exclusively trawl caught, and is found off our coast from Alaska to Northern California. The live fish looks much like a miniature halibut, and is classified by environmental groups as a "green selection" with sustainable, healthy populations. When we're plotting our Petrale dinners we most often choose between two different cooking methods: either a (very) quick pan sear or stuffing and baking it. If you pan sear you only want to flip it once, (Petrale is quite delicate!), but it's super easy and the tender mild fish is always a treat. ~Tony, Kira and Sailor DeRito, Maggie and Harold : the fish shop team!

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